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Dangerous week?

I wonder if this week will be now dangerous than normal cause of all the protests around the country. Dayton had curfew at 9 p.m. this weekend, Columbus had at 10 p.m. While other cities like New York and Philadelphia were much worse.

Tomorrow I have a delivery in Port Washington and B...


I had watermelons today, going from Gloucester to Jessup in Maryland. I started my day in the Bronx and headed down towards Philadelphia around 9 am. 

On my way down I stopped at Love's in Bordentown for lunch. Just after noon, I arrived at the Del Monte in Gloucester City. I didn...

Karma got me

Karma got me today, I was being cut off by a four-wheeler and it kind of made me a little mad so I honked at him for a while. Try to make him uncomfortable while he was working on destroying his own car.

Nothing happened though, we came out of it with no damages except for a little dam...

Produce from west to east

Then I'm here, first pickup of a total of three going to be delivered in Philadelphia on Tuesday, but not my me. It will be relayed so I can go back west for a week more. 

Next stop will be back in Nogales, then the last in Maricopa. About 130 miles the opposite way.